Mainline Fiber's
Premises Fiber Solutions
In today's digital world, high-speed internet is essential for homes and businesses of all sizes. Premises fiber solutions offer the ultimate in speed, reliability, and security. Mainline Fiber is a world-class provider of craft-friendly premises fiber solutions for residential and commercial buildings.
From the building entry to the fiber termination outlet, Mainline Fiber's combination of fusion-spliced and pre-terminated solutions provide operators with the flexibility and simplicity required to support different topologies and diverse building types.
Our solutions are optimized for install efficiency and compact footprints, covering every imaginable product category. This means that we can provide you with a complete solution suite to cover your customer network buildouts from the headend to the home.
Premises Fiber Equipment & Solutions:
Miniflex® fiber cable
QuikPush® cable assemblies
Drop enclosures
Distribution boxes
FutureLink® enclosures for patching, splicing, and slack storage
Fiber management
Indoor actives